Our Director
Drew Fuller
Our Director, Drew Fuller, appointed as Director in January 2016, has been a member of the Harmony Heritage Singers for five years. He also has sung with the prize-winning Alexandria Harmonizers since 2000. He participated with the Harmonizers in their annual district and international competitions, was featured as a soloist, and performed in the select group Cameron Station. He was also a charter member of the Atlantic Harmony Brigade and has sung for about 10 years each with both Atlantic and North Carolina Harmony Brigades. A member of the Barbershop Harmony Society since 1989, he holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in music education. He served 20 years in the United States Army, serving mostly in Latin America and Belgium.
Our Director Emeritus Bob Wachter
Bob Wachter, our Director Emeritus and Head Coach, has had a long and
distinguished career in barbershop. He has been a member of the Barbershop Harmony Society for over 60 years and a chorus director for 50 of those years. He is an experienced coach, judge, and teacher of voice production, and has won numerous awards.