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Questions and Answers about

Membership in the Harmony Heritage Singers


Are all members of the chorus members of the Barbershop Harmony Society?

Yes. You’re welcome to attend chorus rehearsals as a visitor, but if you enjoy singing with us, you’ll probably want to become a full-fledged member and sing in performances.

And that means joining the Society?

Yes. Our chorus is a chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society. There are over 800 chapters and nearly 25,000 members across North America and in other countries.

What are the benefits of membership?

There are many benefits to being a member of the world's largest men's singing society. In addition to the fellowship and friendship you experience in chapter activities, you receive the magazine, The Harmonizer, the opportunity to attend conferences and training sessions, and access to other products and services of the Barbershop Harmony Society.

How do I become a member?

A prospective member fills out an application form, available from our VP for Membership (see below). An applicant is usually sponsored by a current member. Each applicant must be approved for membership by our Board.

How do I get a sponsor?

Many of our new members have been recruited by a current member, and that member sponsors them. But if that’s not the case, you can easily find a current member eager to sponsor you.

What qualifications are required?

The only requirements are to be a man of good character who wants to sing.

Is there an audition?

No. You do not have to demonstrate singing ability. Most prospective members have had some experience singing with other groups, and some have sung in other barbershop choruses, but that is not required.

Could I be rejected by the Board?

Only if there were serious doubts about your character. So far, no unethical or immoral persons have applied.

What does it cost to join?

There is a one-time charge of $10 for new members. Membership dues for one year are currently $145, of which $115 is for the Society, $25 for the Mid-Atlantic District, and $5 for the chapter. So the total initial cost is $155.

What other costs are there?

  • Uniforms: currently $20 to buy a summer shirt and $45 (refundable) for autumn vest.
  • Travel to and from rehearsals and performances (many of us form car pools).
  • Optional social events: annual holiday party and annual luncheon.

For more information, contact our VP for Membership, Ernie Doyle, at 240-508-7761 or

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